Commodore Amiga Retro

Please remember that text for pages was originally
written for my Amiga 1200 to read... so thin paragraphs



AmigaNET AmigaNET

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A2865 A2865 A2865 A2865


oct02 oct02 oct02 oct02

oct02 oct02 FAX AWEB

CD modem oct02 oct02

gpfax network AmiPC

surfing surfing surfing ibrowse

Amiga Networking

Useful Links Page

Behold SCUZZ DIGEST 2004:01

Further to the query regarding networking
I have found the following from the web and
I suggest you visit the links. I include the
extracted text only as a taster of what the
actual sites have to offer. GO VISIT :


1: Cnet.device Network Tutorial
2: Configure the TCP/IP stack
3: Useful Links for chat
4: Netinfo
5: MiamiDX RIP
6: The Invisible Amiga

Please note that none of the following
are my words they are taken from the
link pages of the sites shown. GO TO
THE SITE..... great pictures, info and
downloads. Get them while you can.


cnet.device Network Tutorial

"This is a quick tutorial on getting an Amiga and
PC talking to each other using a cnet.device
compatible network card and the Genesis TCP
stack. I spent many hours trying to get this
to work and when I eventually did get it working
I realised its not hard, its just knowing what
to do. It will guide you through the first
steps of getting the Amiga and the PC networked,
but it will not cover the sharing of drives or
internet connections. It will hopefully show you
how to get the machines pinging each other on
the network but after that the next steps are
yours. It will get you to the point where any
software which requires a network stack running
can be used (ie an ftp client such as Dopus or
SimpleFTP, Amiga Explorer, Samba,etc). "

2: SAMBA: TCP/IP Configuration

Shows you how to install and configure
the TCP/IP stack and enable file sharing.


Samba configuring for Win95/98:

Shows you how to install and configure
the TCP/IP stack and enable file sharing.

.."The first thing we need to get an fully working
Samba installation, is the tcp/ip stack itself.
I will in this case use Miami; Amitcp and Genesis
will proberly work just as fine. "

.."Well so far so good. Now we need to install the
cryptic 'Samba files' "

.."This is the actual exe files that will be run
in the background and do the 'networking stuff'. "

.."Ok, now we have most of the software needed installed.
Now it's time for the hardware part. I will
in this example show how to
install and configure an Ariadne network card
with TP connection to and hub. "

.."And now it's time to configure more advanced options in Miami."

.."Ok, now is the time to start Samba :-)"

.."Make sure you configured everything right
in Miami and that you have saved the configuration."

.."Now it realy realy time to test and connect
to the pc. I promiss :)"

"Ok, make sure you runned the script to start
Miami and Samba, and that you have setup Samba in Swat.
Start a shell and write cd samba:bin"

.."Ok, now we tested from the amiga.
Let's try and reach the Amiga from the pc.
Let's go to network neighborhood.
Whoo look what I found :)"

Actual extracts from the SAMBA site

3: Useful Links: FTP and CHAT


NetInfo II is a network information viewer utility.
It integrates the functionality of the well known standalone
into a seamless GUI application.


MIAMI RIP: No more links to MiamiDX


Amiga Explorer

This program, which comes with Amiga Forever,
allows the PC to see the Amiga's drives in an
Explorer window. This means the PC can copy
files to and from the Amiga but not vice versa.
Setup is very easy but transfer speeds aren`t
brilliant. A nice feature though is the ability
to directly grab an adf or hdf file from the Amiga
to use with WinUAE. It can be even used to dump
the Amiga ROM straight to the PC.

.................. Not my words
Credits to Samba and Vapourware

Getting on the WEB with an AMIGA

The Computer

To get on the web and surf with an Amiga you
need both a machine with a but of grunt and
a graphics card. Whilst it is possible to fit
graphics cards to A1200`s this will mean towering
up, so probably better to get an A4000d or A3000
and fit a graphics card within the existing system

I chose to obtain an A4000d and although the machine
I have is just an 030 it does come equipped with
a Blizzard 4030..Processor: 030@50Mhz
FPU: 68882 (PGA) at the same speed as the processor.

All my RAM is on the original motherboard and this is
just about the minimum you would need, being just
12MB Fast and 2MB Chip. And so my weapon of choice is a
Commodore Amiga 4000 Desktop - board revision B
Phase 5 Blizzard 4030 accelerator with 68030/50 CCU
with MMU and 68882/50 FPU - 2 Mb chip RAM
12 Mb fast RAM - Kickstart ROM`s 3.1 - super Buster 11
New battery - original hd floppy drive assembly (1.76 Mb)
840 Mb IDE non removable disk furnished with Amiga OS 3.1

The Graphics Card

Graphics cards come in various flavours
The best being the PicassoIV, I believe, though
the Cybervision64 and 3D version are pretty good
You can also get other cards like the Picollo, but
for the purposes here I chose the Cybervision64
The software required to run the card is the Cybergraphics
software that came on a disk with the card. If you
do ever obtain a card do try and get the software
and the manual for jumper settings and the like


A Zorro III only graphics card.
Pixel clock ~ 135Mhz
(8bit), 80Mhz (16bit) and 50Mhz (24bit).
Built-in monitor switcher.
Hardware support for chunky to planar conversion.
Digital video expansion bus.

One issue with the Graphics card is the screen
resolution. There is a pass through on the back
of the card so that you can still receive the
original Amiga screen formats, when used in
conjunction with a Multiscan monitor, such as
a Microvitec. If you don`t have this type of
monitor and simply connect into a VGA monitor
you won`t see the Amiga Low RES message that asks
for screen options. You can connect another Amiga
friendly monitor into the original Amiga video port
but I found the loop through from the original
Amiga video port to the input on the graphics card

Fast Serial Port

I considered long and hard the benefit of getting
a serial port enhancer to boost my transfer rates
and determined that whilst not essential, a card
such as the Multiface below would certainly help
in speeding matters up when on line

The modem used is a 56 US Robotics which you can
buy from any decent sized computer supplier
Remember that modern modems will come with a 9 pin
connector so if you use the conventional serial
port on the A4000d you will need a dual connector
with the 25pin version. Fortunately the Multiface
has a 9 pin to take the connector from the US Robotics

Amiga Multiface III Zorro Card IO extender
(Fast Serial/Parallel Port)
Two serial ports controlled
(up to 115200 bps transfer speed)
3 byte FIFO buffer
Two 26 pin internal headers
The first is directly wired to the DB9 connector
on the slot cover of the card
The second is for the ribbon cable of the
DB25 connector on the separate slot cover
Supported by Linux and NetBSD
One bidirectional DB25 parallel port
with a faster transfer speed than IOExtender's
No ROM or EPROM - no autoconfig drivers,
duart.device (serial) and pit.device (parallel)
have to be mounted with the supplied MFC program disk.
With manual, software disk and
ribbon cables for further ports.


The best way to do this I found was to sign up
with one of the free providers, like FreeUK using
a PC if you can get to one, and then going into
Outlook Express checking the account and simply
making a note of the POP3 mail and smtp servers
together with your email address and password.
It is then just a case of inserting these into
your TCP/IP stacker.. see below. You will also
need the telephone number to ring out which the
dialer the provider gives on the PC will show
Simply go onto Dial Up Networking and right click
on properties for the respective dialer ie FreeUK


Whilst Nordic Global are no longer shipping their
excellent MiamiDX, the archive is still available
from Aminet. The installation is very simple and
the step by step instructions make it pretty well
impossible to install incorrectly. There is a timeout
sadly on the demo, but you may be lucky in obtaining a key

MIAMIDX Short: TCP/IP router stack (main archive)
Version: 3.2b2
Requires: OS 2.04 or higher, 68020+, MUI 3.8+

Words from Aminet

This is the main archive for Miami Deluxe 1.0c.
Miami Deluxe is an easy-to-use TCP/IP stack for Internet
access and access to local networks, complete with
dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. It
supports multiple interfaces, routing IP-NAT, SOCKSD,
dial-on-demand and much more.

You will also need other archives -- see below.

Minimum requirements:

- Any Amiga with Kick/WB2.04 or higher

- 68020 or higher

- MUI 3.8 or higher

Miami Deluxe 1.0c is distributed across two archives: one
main archive and one GUI module.

- MiamiDx10c-main.lha: Main archive. *Everybody* needs to
download this archive.

- MiamiDx10c-MUI.lha: MUI user interface module for
MiamiDx. Requires MUI 3.8 or higher.

At this time you need to download both archives.

Holger Kruse

Check the link below
Miami Archive

You may find you need one or two libraries and installers
to unpack software and run applications. You will find
all these on Aminet... like the latest installer and reqtools
and ofcourse MUI 3.8

MUI 3.8

You really won`t get very far on an Amiga without
MUI and this can still be purchased. You can opt to
buy the USER INTERFACE key or run the demo. Personally
I opted to buy the key and was emailed this by return
having purchased this through a PC on line

MUI installs automatically so there are no problems
with the installation

For MUI 3.8 Check the link below
MUI Software

The Mail Reader

For my money there is only one mail reader and
this is YAM. The software is free. I would recommend
getting it from the YAM website as the all the five
archives are here and they are not corrupt. Although
it looks as though you don`t need all five archives
you do need all five and you must un-archive them
into a single folder. You will need LHA which is an
Amiga tool that resides in your C drawer on your workbench
Hopefully you have DOPUS, which makes life all that easier.

Again, its just a case of firing up the install icon
and installing the software on your system. When
running YAM you will need your POP3 and smtp names,
like and or and, your domain
name like and your mail account name
and password. Its that simple.

For YAM Check the link below
YAM Website


I purchased AWEB-II off Ebay, but there are several
about. Like Ibrowse which all do the job of surfing
As ever the software is self installing, and in the
case of AWEB, there is no further setting up of the

For AWEB Check the link below

Rememeber that for both mail and internet you need
to go on-line with MIAMI to get the stack running
Also remember to tell the payer of the telephone
bill what your up to... Happy surfing.

net net

net net

scuzz site

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Last updated 01/05/2010