Commodore Amiga Retro

Please remember that text for pages was originally
written for my Amiga 1200 to read... so thin paragraphs

A500 Cards

ATonce ATonce ATonce ATonce


Viper Viper Viper Viper

Viper Viper Viper Viper

Viper Viper Viper

This A500 was sold as an A500 upgraded to an A1200
Not exactly possible, though the Viper 520 CD Interface
inside was far more valuable than the proclaimed
A1200 upgrade. A real find this

Pheonix DSH Pheonix DSH

Pheonix DSH Electronics

Trapdoor Marvels

RAM Expansion KCS

Click here for super-sized image | car_0410_162_l ~ car_0410_184_l


A500 AMRAM card

Cards Cards Cards Cards

Cards Cards Cards

Expanding the A500

cards cards a500 cards

A500 RAM expansion cards

Note that these RAM expansion cards do have batteries
So you do need to check them for leakage. Click this link
to see just what damage can happen.. Click for A501 battery trouble

ram card cards cards cards

A500 Expansions plus the `SPIRIT`

A500 A500 Expansion A500 A500

A500 a500 card

checkmate expansion checkmate expansion checkmate expansion checkmate expansion

a500 amitek KCSPowerBoard

CSA Mega Midget

MegaMidget MegaMidget MegaMidget

A500Plus Accelerator

A5000 A5000 A5000 A5000


The A5000

scuzz site

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then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 01/05/2010