CU AMIGA March 1994

Sadly many of the Amiga magazine covers suffer from Selotape
/stickytape damage. Newsagents were at constant battle with
youngsters, who would remove disks from covers. This meant
that disks would receive extra sticky tape and this would adhere
half way across the front cover. Removing the disks was almost
impossible without damaging the cover. March 94 was no exception
and so when I decided to feature the magazine in this blog I first
had to find a more complete image of young Alice and then mend
the entire cover using my trusty copy of Adobe Photoshop. I even
have put the disks back onto the cover. This time without the
sticky Seloptape.

Click for SOFTWOOD .
Click for K240

Some guys get all the luck, as the Robert Palmer
song goes, and newcomers to the A1200 fall eas-
ily into the category. Bruce Smith Books are
about to release the Amiga A1200 Beginners
Pack, everything you could possibly need to get
started with your machine. £39.95 gets you Bruce
Smith's bestselling A1200 Insider Guide, a copy
of A1200 Next Steps, an exclusive one-hour tuto-
rial video and four disks packed with essential PD
and Shareware. What more could you possibly
ask for? For more information, please call.....
Click for Bruce Smith Disk 1
Click for Bruce Smith Disk 2
Click for Bruce Smith Disk 3
Click for Bruce Smith Next Steps
Click for Workbench Guide
Click for Cool Star Trek Sounds
Click for Tobias Richter Animations