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ScuzzBlog: Diaries February 2018

Entry 26th February 2018: Post: 1

Fred Fish

Anyone using an Amiga for any length of time will eventually trip
over the name Fred Fish or Fish Disk. Sadly Fred is no longer with
us but fortunately his memory lives on through the library disks
he created. In the days without internet the public domain served
to provide software , very often free of charge or just for a
nominal fee. Fred Fish was the father of the freely distributed
software that was collated to a disk and issued as an AmigaLibDisk.
His work started at the very birth of the Amiga and continued up
until April 1994 by which time he had issued a 1000 disks.

I was not planning on featuring his work here today but as I spent
the morning digging through my PD disks to find a few favourite
games and some Rampage disks, I kept tripping across the Fish disks
with every disk box and drawer I opened. Anyway I have put togther
a small sample of the disks and CDs that I uncovered to show some
typical examples of the kind of disks Fred Fish released.

What is utterly marvellous about the disks and a credit to the Amiga
is that all the collected work on one Fish disk fits on a single DD
floppy. It really is incredible when you reflect on the massive
storage space needed these days just for the most rudimentary of
applications. And yet the Amiga did all this with one DD floppy.

OK today I was sifting through endless
PD disks to find a few games I needed

Managed to find them all

Also found my missing Rampage disks

Then I found this FCAT which is basic
code for Fish Catalogue which basically
is the tip of a very large Fish iceberg

I guess I have all of the Fred Fish disks

Starting with Fish Disk No.1

Most are on CDs of which there are a plenty

Every Public Domain house had Fish Disks

Although called Fish disks they were
labelled AmigaLibDisk and here is No.1

Fred's first Readme

Typical Fish Disk icon

Not content with programs, the disks
always carried informative readme files

This disk holds this wonderful animation
of a basketball player.. Amazing really

And disks were filled to the brim
with programs, files and guides

In the day the little gems on each
disk were very very useful. Having
ready access to disk based software
for so little served to fire the
imagination of many who in turn created
their own programs which no doubt found
their way onto Fish disks

Though rather simplistic in appearance
now, they still served a very useful and
significant purpose in the development
of the Amiga. Fred basically was fuelling
the fires and pumping the lifeblood of the
Amiga around the community

The Amiga... A community with no boundaries

So if you want to see more ... Go Fish !!!

Fred Fish ... Sadly missed

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Last updated 26/02/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018