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ScuzzBlog: Diaries January 2018

Entry 14th January 2018: Post: 3

C64... C you in the Studio

Hardly a studio but my place of C64C work as I set up a station to
review that disk I discovered earlier.

C64C primed and ready

1571 also raring to go

In addition to the Sound Sampler
software I also found Music Studio

Interesting array of symbols there

And there we have Commodore Sound Sampler

OK Time to check that second disk

Music Paint Box and Music Editor

The joystick acts as a mouse pointer

You can even change the colours of
the interface.

And my first symphony

I can even save my work

Two very useful disks those

What next ?

Looks a bit pedestrian

Hmmmmm ...

That's better... Guess what I did for
the rest of the morning ... Whoohaaaaar !!

I guess its time to stop playing games

One last mention is this 'Speech' catridge

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Last updated 14/01/2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018