Please remember that text for pages was originally
written for my Amiga 1200 to read... so thin paragraphs
Question ?
Can you explain how I can make a self-booting disk ?
Answer .... [ without the use of a hard drive ]
Format a new disk ;format a new disk
Install your disk ;put a bootblock on the disk
MakeDir NewDisk:S ;call your self-booting disk NewDisk
MakeDir NewDisk:C
MakeDir NewDisk:DEVS
MakeDir NewDisk:LIBS
MakeDir NewDisk:L
And then make a script file called 'Startup-Sequence'
and in that script there should be something like this..
Echo "This is an auto-booting disk"
Assign T: Ram:
Assign ENV; Ram:
Endcli >NIL:
SO... to make a simple disk that will boot the workbench
using just one drive you will need to copy some files
to Ram :
Copy sys:c/LoadWB to Ram:
Copy sys:c/EndCli to Ram:
Copy sys:c/MakeDir to Ram:
Copy sys:c/Copy to Ram:
Copy sys:c/Install to Ram:
Copy sys:libs/icon.library to Ram:
Now change CD to Ram:
1>CD Ram:
Type the next eight lines in exactly one after the other
(Please don't type in the ( 1> ) this is the prompt,
you type everything after this..
Put your NewDisk in DF0:
1>Copy Ram:LoadWB to NewDisk:c
1>Copy Ram:EndCli to NewDisk:c
1>Copy Ram:MakeDir to NewDisk:c
1>Copy Ram:Copy to NewDisk:c
1>Copy Ram:Install to NewDisk:c
1>Copy Ram:icon.libary to NewDisk:libs
Put AmigaDOS ( Workbench ) disk in Drive DF0: and type in :-
1>CD DF0:
1>Ed NewDisk:s/startup-sequence
When ED is running type the next five lines exactly.
When you have typed the five lines in. press the
ESC, x and the RETURN key, you will be asked to put
NewDisk: in your drive, put your NewDisk in the
drive and it will save your startup-sequence script
to your NewDisk in the s: directory
Echo "This is a auto-booting disk"
Assign T: Ram:
Assign ENV: Ram:
EncCli >Nil:
And that is that.
One final point...
Question ? How do I put a boot block on a disk ?
Answer: At the SHELL type in Install DF0:
And that is all you need to do.
Don't forget to label your disk NewDisk:
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Last updated 07/10/06