Commodore Amiga Retro


3D Figures

This section features magazines that I regularly
subscribe to relating to fantasy and 3D art utilising
computer graphics packages.

Fantasy Art 3D Artist Fantasy

Click here for super-sized image | car_0410_098_l ~ car_0410_099_l ~ car_0410_061_l

Avatar Comic Art

3D World Imagine FX Imagine FX Imagine FX

3D World 3D World 3D World

ImagineFX ImagineFX ImagineFX

ImagineFX NewType

A new mag for April 2007, and all in Japanese
and although not technically 3D, it has wonderful
artwork synonymous with gaming artwork

ImagineFX ImagineFX ImagineFX

3D 3D

imagineFX imagineFX imagineFX

3D 3D



3D 3D 3D

3D 3D 3D

Imagine FX Imagine FX Imagine FX

scuzz site

If you can only see this CONTENT window
then click the image above for the full site

Last updated 00:13 21/06/2015