Commodore Amiga Retro


a3000t battery

What is the best way to remove this battery

The battery sits right over the tracks on the
A3000T and so needs a certain kind of skill to remove

More detail | GIF format

What model is this ?

The model is an Amiga 1060 and I now have one
Many thanks for all those that replied

Amiga 1060


What is the exact name of this Commodore floppy drive ?
[ Well I found out in the end. Would love those manuals though ]

Computer junk ?

hardly a drive

No help here, just an observation. Some of the micro
technology of the last couple of decades, locked
away within computers can be quite attractive. I have
this cradle and hard drive from a very, very early
computer sitting on a desk as a paper weight.

Can you help tell me if this is the way round?



The item above is an internal scandoubler flicker fixer
Trouble is I can`t remember which way the top component
sat on the A1200 motherboard when I removed it. Can you help?

Can you help identify where the wires should go?


These cards are two versions of the GVP HD and SCSI controller
for the A2000. Simple question.. If I move the hard-drive
from the top card to the bottom, do I take the wires from
the card straight into the hard-drive ? Or do I use the
longer cable and connect into the A2000 power unit ?

Can you identify this interface ?

C64 Interface

All I have is that it is a Commodore 64 S2 (8304)
Model P-16 Interface Pack dated 15th August 1988

Can you identify this card ?

Strange Switch

floppy OS

Exact specification needed

scuzz site

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Last updated 07/10/06