What is the best way to remove this battery
The battery sits right over the tracks on the
A3000T and so needs a certain kind of skill to remove
What is the exact name of this Commodore floppy drive ?
[ Well I found out in the end. Would love those manuals though ]
No help here, just an observation. Some of the micro
technology of the last couple of decades, locked
away within computers can be quite attractive. I have
this cradle and hard drive from a very, very early
computer sitting on a desk as a paper weight.
The item above is an internal scandoubler flicker fixer
Trouble is I can`t remember which way the top component
sat on the A1200 motherboard when I removed it. Can you help?
These cards are two versions of the GVP HD and SCSI controller
for the A2000. Simple question.. If I move the hard-drive
from the top card to the bottom, do I take the wires from
the card straight into the hard-drive ? Or do I use the
longer cable and connect into the A2000 power unit ?
Can you identify this interface ?
All I have is that it is a Commodore 64 S2 (8304)
Model P-16 Interface Pack dated 15th August 1988
Can you identify this card ?
Exact specification needed
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Last updated 07/10/06