Four hours later and I am again instigating the Norton Removal Tool procedure on the dreaded XP machine... God how I hate Norton.. or Symantec .. or who ever they think they are. Honestly !!!!. Talk about utter bullshit. These guys should be taken to court for all the crap they spout about their product. And I should know. I have literally wasted hundreds of pounds on their rubbish software. And I don`t mind saying this here... The test is in the usage and having just spent yet another four hours trying to use SystemWorks 2006 Premier, which cost me over £50, just to dump the software in a fit of screaming and shouting at the computer screen...... Calm. It all started in the week when crappy XP decided to lock the machine up on the boot screen. Several boots later and the machine is on and running. I decided to back everything up and install Norton to do a disk check. Before I started I said to myself, just take it slowly and try not to get too worked up. Anyway... Deep intake of breath... The painfull install and some twenty minutes waiting for it to go through the motions. Then the dreaded updates all 50MB of them... Another half an hour wait... And then disk optimisation which after 25 minutes nothing but nothing happened other than the drive light going round and round and round... Calm... Anyway I stopped the process from the button on the screen... You know that feeling when you see no activity on a screen, but you know something is still happening. Deeper intake of breath... Anyway nothing is happening on the screen now and there isn't any response from any buttons or even the old ctrl-alt-delete. Thing is when ever I use XP on any machine this is the norm. Microsoft decided obviously that because their OS kicked out so often they would dispense with the egg timer, and disable usability and functions, cus what the hell. XP is the bottom of the computer pit for crappy OS compatibility and usability with varying systems. This XP machine I have has a 1300 processor and tons of memory, so in theory it should be fine. The hard drive is only 60% full and its 180GB. So what is the big deal. Norton says that this crap software will run on a much lower spec machine.... By the way, during optimisation there was no status bar saying what it was doing, no message pane saying what percentage of the process it was undertaking, no indication what so ever of what was going on. ' Way to go Norton ' Progress or what. I could run their software on the Win95 machine and it would run perfectly from the off... Honestly !! Anyway... I had to switch off at the button cus there was no other choice. And this is where I lost it. Having switched back on I sat here for over five minutes waiting for Norton to finish what ever it does on startup... Thing is it didn`t finish. There were three icons on the screen and a scrolling kinda icon with a monitor on I think. I have auto updates switched off, not that that matters. Suffice to say after five minutes I started to get a touch annoyed. So I tried Internet Explorer... Inactive. I tried My Computer... inactive. I tried to activate the Norton Control Centre.... Inactive... I then after another couple of minutes got a warning from Norton about some aspects of the OS which they thought I should deal with... Like full virus scan... Anyway still no activity and the drive light is just flying round. Finally Explorer kicked in... Quick search for Norton Removal Tool and that`s what I am doing now. I`m not on the XP machine now I might add, but on a Win98 Pentium III with 650 processor, that works a dream. This computer just doesn`t have any of the hangups of XP, nor does it ever do anything without either showing the egg timer or giving me control of all aspects of the computer. My goodness even the Amiga is more responsive than XP for 99% of the time, and I am not exaggerating. And so... In summary, XP proves again to be the crap that it truly is. Not usable in my book, whatever the kit your running. And as to Norton, well that really is not in any way the thing it claims to be. It can`t be can it... It did the complete opposite of what it said it was going to do. Instead of helping me it buggered my system up and made it unusable. What is sad... And it is sad... I decided to get a PC in 1996 cus of the failures of the Amiga... And yet that Win95 machine is still running fine. It has Norton Utilities on it, but predates the LiveUpdate crap, so never rings home. And that software has kept that machine healthy right up to this day. It still has the same OS and hard drive on it. And this Win98 machine did benefit from Norton up to 2003 prior to Norton bloating their perfectly usable product into a mess... Sad yes... Cus I guess some of the basic functions of this product could be run from a single floppy disk. So why create the monster. The same goes for MS cus after all, Windows is only just a disk operating system. I say just only, cus really I should say... just barely. If I had to choose between which was worse Norton or Microsoft I would say both... Crappier than a crap thing with a very good reason for being crap. And yet... it wasn't always the case. Worth repeating the last part of my last blog. [ scuzz:Acts 3 ] I flail myself in a masochistic ritual using Microsoft. Somehow the pain helps me live with myself having ventured into the darkside. Otherwise I would become a sheep on a conveyor of moronic existence... Worshipping the Darth Vader Bill Gates.... Obscurity is far more pleasurable, and wanting reasoning for their bullshit dogma is not worthy of one moment of my time. That's why I do not seek any reasoning beyond that which most sensible and creative OS would make obvious. But then practical, reasonable, sensible, obvious, user friendly. thoughtful, creative etc etc etc are not something MS have ever thought worthy of procuring.... scuzz
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Last updated 3rd November 2007
Chandraise Kingdom