I feel rather sad at the moment... and somewhat empty inside. I am sad because I feel that I have reached a point in my computer gaming life where I can honestly say that I finally took on that last great boss, won ( or not ), and now realise its all over. The feeling represents an empty hollow victory, which any gamer can identify with, having endured a game for so long, and yet choosing ourself to end it. There are so many similarities with life here that it would take hundreds of words to explain, so I won`t. The real point here is that Heavenly Sword for me is a game that transcends computer gaming. Sadly, it is so intellectually ahead of itself that few playing the game will truly understand just what happened here. You would need to have gamed through hundreds and possibly thousands of scenario's, beaten an equal number of bosses, whilst also understanding the historical context of fantasy art and fiction, and probably have lost yourself deep in the depths of books like Lord of the Rings. I became so absorbed by this game, and so enriched and invigorated by its content, that I crave more of the same. Nothing else will do for me now.... The reality is that its not gonna happen. Because it will not attract main stream support under the current regime of taste dictated by the average computer punter. Even more sad is this is symbolic of just what has happened to computing. I have been lucky enough to have experienced the true wonders of computing and have wallowed in its rich depth. For others they will never ever know how truly magical this experience can be. Unfortunately the world believes that junk food is nutritious, reality TV is entertaining, mobile phones give them friends, and downloading music and movies is what a computer is used for. Ar hum..... And so, what next ? I have played three games this year... Final Fantasy XII, Lara Croft in Anniversary and Heavenly Sword. Whilst Final Fantasy was epic, it became tedious levelling up and in the end you just lost sight of the plot. The side quests were dull and a touch easy for FF. Lara was magic graphically and the story, though regurgitated, a joy. The trouble was that the game suffered as it always does with levels that were set at the speed standard of the creator. You just die, over and over again. There should be a way out of problems or you do as I did, stop playing the game. Life is just too short... Or Lara's is. And so ( big sigh ) to Heavenly Sword, which in my view has brought to an abrupt end the life of any inferior game, my PS2, PS1, XBOX etc... And why ? Well its just too dam perfect. And as such I will not now tolerate anything less. The graphics and production are unequalled in anything I have ever ever played. The story line is totally believable, and the pace of the game keeps the story going. I have no criticism of its length. From the off you know its a five day adventure and that she dies. It tells you this in the first scene. Had this game been any longer it would not have been true to the story line and then it would have become a level 'upping' kind of game like FF. This is no Final Fantasy... It is something quite different. You can really throw everything else away, if you love a good story and like playing games. You will fall in love with Nariko and Kai and desperately help in their struggle to rid the world of the evil tyrant boss conquering their land. I am lost now. I have resisted killing the boss in the final battle, cus I have seen the final cut scene on YouTube. I just don`t want to end it. The more significant problem is trying to find anything that even comes close. The bigger problem is one that I cannot ever deal with. As I have said earlier, the world now deals in utter trivia. A throw away society which whilst proclaiming to be interested in matters affecting us all, are really only interested in the quick fast fix for entertainment. I would love to think that games like Heavenly Sword could stimulate a large audience, but I doubt it would be worth doing so financially. The bigger more concerning problem is that this game was a flagship for the PS3, which sadly is doomed. And like my first epic voyage on the Amiga, this most glorious of ships is about to run aground. And all will be lost. Where to then ? Retro :-) scuzz http://www.commodore-amiga-retro.com
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Last updated 11th November 2007
Chandraise Kingdom