A long long long time ago I rescued an Amiga for a friend by swapping out the motherboard. The battery had eaten away the previous board and made the computer unusable. I had an old case that had been badly vandalised and placed the broken motherboard in this. A few weeks back I had an enquiry from someone wanting the board, hoping to rescue a machine that had suffered similar. I advised that he would be better getting a better board as the one he referred to was quite shot. This has been playing on my mind as I really do not like having any of my Amigas broken or faulty. Today I dragged out the computer from the vault of machines I have. I then set to checking the machine over making sure all was connected properly on the motherboard and keyboard section. Imagine my surprise when I hooked the computer up to a Microvitec to find she fired up first time. I even played a naval simulator on it. Not sure what to make of it all. I do recall the machine not working. The battery damage is quite extensive. I have left the machine running and still working fine. I will give her a good clean and try to remove the black marker from the casing. Truly amazing given that it is easily five years since I put the machine in the dead store.
Amiga 500 Plus with Battery Damage
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Last updated 15th May 2015
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith