ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2020
Entry 17th April 2020: Post 01: Dragon 32 - 1982 Dragon Data Limited.
Dragon 32 - 1982 Dragon Data Limited.
I recall the day this computer first appeared in the shops. The
whole home computing world was very new in 1982 to most of us and
so with each passing day new and more exciting products zipped
into the stores. The Dragon was a real eye opener and although it
may look a little crude today, back then it was out of this world.
I was utterly gobsmacked by this little beast sitting inside its
glass display case. The whole product line was truly awesome and
the Dragon became the computer to have. Not that I ever did.
And so to today and to me sorting stuff again, and out pops this
Dragon, which was nice. And so I quickly set her up to see if
she was working. I wasn't disappointed, though the image could
have been a little sharper. Same machine in feel to the TRS-80.
The display may suffer from being on a black and white... dunno.
I found the use of the keyboard a dream and was very quickly able
to get into my stride. Whilst I have the joysticks and book I
don't have a dedicated tape machine, though I guess any would do.
I do have a few of these computers and found a 64 version and two
others lurking in the store. My 'bestest' Dragon 32 sits out each
day in pride of place and so does get used quite a bit, though
only to check she is working.
The Dragon 32 is a retro classic and a must for any collector.
They do find their way onto the auctions and are not that expensive.
In the day computing came down to two things... The Spectrum or
something else that you couldn't afford. I don't bemoan or decry
anything that Sinclair did but I do wish that I could have
justified spending more money on a Dragon or VIC20 in the day.
In those days spending that much cash on a computer just wasn't
the done thing cus you could buy a car for £150. And whilst
the computer was a nice thing to have it wasn't going to get me
to work each day.
PS My first car was an Austin A35 and cost just £25. My second
was a Morris 1100 that cost £60 and my third was a Mini 850 that
cost me £140. Saying that you could get four pints of beer and
a packet of crisps for 50 pence. Seriously. Well that is unless
you burnt your pennies playing PONG in the bar. I am talking
about a few years before the Dragon came out by the way. Probs
more like 74-75 as I passed my driving test in January 1974. I
had quite a few Mini cars in my day and recall parking outside
Lansdowne Computers in Bournemouth in 1993 to pick up my brand
new Desktop Dynamite pack. Happy days.
Anyway be warned, I now have two Dragons roaming the lounge so
be afraid ... very afraid.
Dragon 32 - 1982 Dragon Data Limited.
Two more Dragons lurking on the bottom shelf.