ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2020
Entry 29th April 2020: Post 02: Amiga Games - Tubs of fun.
Amiga Games - Tubs of fun.
OK.. I put the PS3 away in the tub that I removed the XBOX 360 from.
In doing so I had to move a tub full of Amiga games. Which was nice.
I have all the boxes recorded so I can find them, but I decided
this may be a good time to make a photographic record of the tub.
Inside was my box of Dune which was unable to feature the other week.
I should explain that on top of the two tubs I opened today sits
a very very large old style Toshiba TV. Also in the tub was a large
number of football games including the original FIFA game for the
Amiga. I recall waiting so long for that game, only to be disappointed
by the slowness of the A1200 to play it.
All the games are now safely tucked away again, along with the PS3.
Today may have been a little sad, but I can't stay unhappy for too
long, especially with such wonderful games to play on the Miggy.
' It doesn't get dark at five o'clock every night '
Amiga Games - Tubs of fun.