ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2022
Entry 18th April 2022: Post 1: Porn on the Amiga.
Porn on the Amiga.
When Amiga Computing printed their article regarding the concerns
they had in respect of downloading porn on the Amiga, I guess the
revolution of the internet had hardly taken hold. What was to
follow was a deluge of imagery that I doubt anyone could have
imagined in the early nineties. I once offered a test to a young
student at work in the late nineties. I asked that they give me
a truly innocent subject and I guaranteed that in three clicks
we would be offered a link related to sex. The suggestion was
paper-clip... and it took just two searches before we had our
winning page.
I sense that maybe today's society is a little more open minded
about such things, but obviously Amiga Computing felt the need
to discuss the matter openly in their magazine. I was quite
shocked in the day by their images. There really hadn't been
any suggestive pictures in an Amiga magazine to my knowledge.
The closest the Amiga got to rude stuff was the odd CD disc on
offer in the adds to the rear of the magazine. The amount of
none sexually related content was at a ratio 99.9 to .1 and some
PD houses never even bothered.
A few games had made sexual references, such as Larry and the
rude scene in DreamWeb. But really the Amiga had been spared
the crude and lewd world of porn. In all the years of collecting
disks and computers I very rarely came across anything littering
disks and drives. This isn't to say it wasn't present, just that
it was generally very rare.
Of all the games I acquired only a couple were explicitly aimed
at teasing the user with sexual imagery. Strip Pot and Deluxe
Strip Poker. Both of which are so bad as to be more hilarious
than sexual. There were the odd slide shows on PD disks but
even these were very badly scanned and blurred ... I am told.
For a while the card sets of Klondike were quite popular, but in
truth if that was about as hardcore as it was going to get then
Amiga Computing need not have worried. Magazines write up to the
very end of mainstream Amiga publications, rarely if ever dwelled
on sexual content. I do believe that the Amiga community was and
still is more nerdish about such matters, and tend to be solid
gamers for the most part focussed on less amorous content.
Anyhoo !! For my part the page marker in this magazine is for
the wonderful icon editing software that came free on the cover
disk. So I guess point in fact as they say. I'm a nerd when it
comes to such things... an Amiga Pervert. So funny.
Glad we got that out the way. Tomorrow I feature Elvira again
who is what you would call a tasty chick. And marks out of ten
I'd give her one .... I can't believe I just said that.
Better go now.
Porn on the Amiga.
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Last updated 18th April 2022
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