

ScuzzBlog: Diaries April 2022

Entry 24th April 2022: Post 1: Purple Saturn Day - PowerPlay fillers.

Purple Saturn Day - PowerPlay fillers.

The other day I did a feature on the PowerPlay set from Gordon
Harwood. If you recall I had a number of disks that were written
over. Since then I have been scouring the auctions and acquiring
my missing games, as they become available. And today I feature
Purple Saturn Day.

This game is by ERE INFORMATIQUE 1989 and you are reminded that
program sounds and graphics belong to Ere Informatique if you are
minded to pilfer the game from an illegal download site. I have
to say I have never seen so many credits to a one disk game.

' On this day, they come to vanquish you, friend.' never forget.

Two manuals to this game and the one of interest is the Official
Participants Guide... or Manuel Du Participant Offizielles ..
Handbuch Fur Den Teilnehmer in all other translations.

OK what have we got here .. The game is a series of subgames all
part of a intergalactic sports day. The games are set around the
hurtling rings of Saturn. Hence the name. It features eight species
of contender and only one human, in a knockout competition which
use four sub events or sub games for each round. Sound boring well
sadly it is. A big fat yawn.

I kinda switched off at this point. I have rarely found games that
link together a series of mini games to conjure up one big fat
experience actually work, and this is no exception.

Anyhoo, it was worth getting if only for the box art and the quite
intriguing second book which I found most interesting. One good
thing did come from this game and that was a link to Teenage Queen.
I will feature that game a little later. This also gave me time to
flick through the pages of Amiga Computing, which is always a blast.
I do have to try and find the software featured on the back cover
called Icon Paint.

PS If you are wondering, yes the girl in that image is holding her
knickers, and your challenge is to get her to remove them. I am
not joking. It even shocked me.

I guess I should mention EXXOS - ATA ATA HOGLO HULU.

Going now.

Purple Saturn Day - PowerPlay fillers.

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Last updated 24th April 2022

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