Pictures 01-02
Front and back sitting on a 1060 Sidecar
Pictures 03-04
Drive connects to Amiga Disk Port - Amiga 1020 compared
Pictures 05-06
1020 for reference = DF1 CrossDOS Mount File
Pictures 07-08
My VEIGA Tools disk showing as a PC disk on DF1
Pictures 09-10
The VEIGA DF1 PC Formatted Disk
Pictures 11-12
Another unbranded drive working with the Checkmate
Pictures 13-14
The LED read 51 - Checkmate with Park and KCS not mounted
Pictures 15-16
Formatting the Amiga DF1 on the A1200
Pictures 17-18
Copying Aminet files from Q-Drive CD to Amiga 5.25" disk
Pictures 19-20
Disk taken to Checkmate to view files
on the unbranded 5.25" on that machine
This last pic shows the 5.25" drive light on
the Amiga 1200 based machine