ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2017Entry 8th August 2017: Post: 3Demon Card Game
Hi Turns out I was correct in my assumptions regarding Peter Wiseman and Klondike. I dug out a copy of Zero Cover Disk for April 92 and on there is Agony and Klondike version 1.1. Checking the 'about' file for the game it explains about how Peter wrote the game. I also dug a bit deeper and found my three Klondike PD disks that I bought of the game. Images on the website. ' What a card ' A big thanks to Peter Wiseman . If you haven't clocked by the way the images on the decks of these cards were sometimes , how can I put it, a touch riskay. Just check Aminet scuzz
Peter Wiseman and Klondike
Zero Cover Disk for April 92
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Last updated 08/08/2017
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith