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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2018

Entry 6th August 2018: Post 01: Amiga 1200 - T A N K - The Era

Amiga 1200 - T A N K - The Era

Part II of my TANK retrospective where I look at the time I spent
both historically and currently with my Amiga 1200 known as TANK.

Today I look at the era in which I first acquired TANK and what I
was reading over the Christmas of 1995 that made me dip yet again
into the Commodore well of glorious computers, rather than bend
and buy a PC of the day. Wasn't a difficult decision, so reflect
with me on the covers of those magazines of the day.

T A N K - The Era

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Last updated 6th August 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018