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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2018

Entry 12th August 2018: Post 01: Amiga - Doing the rounds

Doing the Amiga rounds

Each day I spend some time checking over computers. I have a regime
of switching some computers on simply to get the hard drives running.
If I leave computers with the 2.5" drives for any length of time
they tend to lock up. Sad but true. Additionally some computers
seem to throw up the oddest of problems. But if used on a regular
basis they tend to stay active and with little problem.

So today I added to my normal list of computer boots the Checkmate
which has not been fired up for a couple of weeks. It has been very
hot here and the temperature has risen to a level not conducive to
safe computer activity. However, needs must as it were and so the
Checkmate was launched.... along with other computers.

See what happened.... I also threw in my adventures with the tower.

Doing the Amiga rounds

The Checkmate should boot into 2.04
and sadly it did not.

Added to that it was throwing up
a validation error.

And then I get this' Pure bit not set ' error.

Hardly anything on the Workbench.
And it was the wrong Workbench.

Solution... Switch on the external
SCSI drive and A590 and leave and
go make a cup of tea and attend to
my other computers. And wait.

Then switch off again and then fire
up the external drives and see if I
can hear the tell-tale signs of the
drive spinning up and settling.

All the time leaving the main computer off.
And when happy, then power up. Works.

I check that the two hard drives are visible.

Together with the contents of the drawers.

This computer has the MultiStart II so she
has the two ROMS. Normally a Soft boot for
five seconds boots into the alternative 1.3.
Kinda hoping the Multistart isn't playing up.

Just checking the memory is fully available.

All appears in order. The DH1 is getting
rather old now and needs a little kick.
I do have a Parnet on the machine and a
full back up just in case.

The KCS is bogus and relates to a
PowerPC card that was removed. I leave
the settings as it holds a lot of
valuable information. Not a problem.

Not my Workbench and is left as is, as
it is the way the machine was found
when I acquired the Checkmate.

Dragon Tiles.. Classic.

Those Checkmate lights working in the dark
to the external hard drive units.

Held together with string

Needs must and all that and with the
Amiga tower I have tried everything
to keep the poor computer working.
Each week or so I twiddle with the
various inner workings and somehow
get the computer running smoothly.
Some days there isn't a problem, others
it's a real struggle. I do very little
but manage to get the computer working.

I have narrowed the problem down to
the monitor connector....

And or the buffered interface.

If I elevate both and hold them steady
the computer works. But not for ever.
A few days pass and I need to tension
the strings again. Seriously.

Looks a bit of a mess, but to me its
all kinda tidy. I just don't mess.

Sensi works a treat.

Runs on a PC monitor the Iiyima Vision Master.

I do need to sort out the Assigns
one of these days...

Once in she always works. And I mean always.

She is a real treasure cus she has
a very valuable arsenal of drives
what with the ZIP and CD plus HD floppy.

I have all my disks in this room and
she is invaluable at transferring stuff.
I'd be lost without her.

As ever the computer has a lucky mascot
to keep her company. I found this picture
amongst the disks when I first set her up
and it's been inside the case ever since.
Its a picture of Olivia Newton John from
around 1978 ... 'Hopelessly Devoted to You'.

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Last updated 12th August 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018