ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2019Entry 13th August 2019: Post 01: KIM-1. Keyboard Input Monitor.KIM-1. Keyboard Input Monitor. Having been sued by Motorola , MOS Technology modified their 6501 processor, rebranding it the 6502, but found themselves without a machine capable of using the new processor. Enter Chuck Peddle and his KIM-1 designed and released in 1976 primarily for use by engineers to test out the new 6502 processor. However due to the low price of the board the KIM-1 became very popular with hobbyists. The board was supported by Tiny BASIC programming language which could be used in conjunction with additional 4K RAM and the tape interface. The tricky part was loading the 15 minute program from the cassette. Check out the Wiki entry by clicking this link All a matter of history now as Commodore acquired MOS Technologies along with the 6502 chip and Chuck Peddle who became head of engineering as part of the deal in 1976. And it was Peddle that convinced Jack Tramiel to move into computers and so was born the Commodore PET and the beginning of the computer age at Commodore. So it could be said this little board was the beginning of Commodore as we grew to know it, with Chuck Peddle in many ways the true pioneer of Commodore as a computer giant. Whilst I have every respect for Chuck Peddle, I am not sure how much of a fan I am in truth. Whilst the KIM-1 isn't a Commodore I guess it can be said that cus of the work of Chuck he was instrumental in persuading Commodore to launch a computer range. However I am lead to believe that he was not liked cus of his initial defection to Apple. Plus he had been dragging his feet over the VIC chip Pet. The KIM-1 itself was only produced cus of the dispute over the 6501 and Motorola. The reworked 6502 was left pretty stranded without a machine to run it on so that is why the KIM-1 was created. Chuck eventually left Commodore to help set up the US office of the Japanese Victor company where he designed the Victor 9000 also known as the Sirius 1. Whilst I do not have a Sirius 1 [ only the manual and disks ] I do have a KIM-1. The board is not an original with the white surface mounted chips, but the less rare later Version G. Link to Sirius 1 Page. The box is the original provided with the board and inside also appear to be two large folders that were the consequence of a seminar on the KIM-1. It also has a small interface and the tape with BASIC. SII could be SII Electronic Components or Seiko.. Dunno.
KIM-1. Keyboard Input Monitor.
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Last updated 13th August 2019
Chandraise Kingdom
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