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ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2019

Entry 18th August 2019: Post 02: Windows 3.1 - Uninstaller 2.

Windows 3.1 - Uninstaller 2.

Just a comment really about life on the dark side and specifically
the issue of uninstalling software. Anyone that has used Microsoft
products particularly in the nineties will be aware if the issues
the registry and linked libraries had with software. All too often
software would install to the system, files that would conflict
with current applications, and worse make them unusable when they
were removed.

In the 3.1 and Win95/98 era uninstalling could be a quite destructive
process if you didn't thoroughly check the files and their purpose
that you tagged for removal. It was certainly an eye opener to me
running CleanSweep on my Win95 machine to discover how many duplicate
files and orphaned files I had linked and loaded via the registry.

Unlike the Amiga which is just so easy to manage in terms of files,
Windows constantly updates its Registry to make sure programs can
find specific files and tools. Unlike the Amiga, which uploads to
RAM all your program needs when running an application, Windows
uses its virtual memory or hard drive to disk swap program data
as and when it is called upon. Sadly what this means is if there
is a conflict at that point you are likely to get the blue screen.

Keeping the computer tidy was almost a full time job in truth and
the trick was basically never install anything unless you really
needed to. Under Win3.1 DOS played a big part in configuring the
software and there was less auto install software requiring say
sound and graphics for applications to be edited under DOS.

The problem was that once you had the system running properly the
last thing you would want is to have to go through the whole process
again simply cus you uninstalled the incorrect file.

Enter program tools like Uninstaller 2 which provided the user with
even more installed software to muddle matters. And with a hefty
manual to study could in itself put the user off ever installing
software on their system. Computers in the day were not for the
faint hearted and did require a good level of understanding to
make them work. Software wasn't cheap and upgrading was already
just a swipe of your credit card away, albeit transactions were
by post.

The postal system of purchases gave the supplier the opportunity
to feed you with offers of other applications to tempt you into
parting with your cash. And truly, you would need to spend a lot
of money just to keep up with the pace of things. It amazes me
these days when I hear folk complaining of failed games that they
basically downloaded for free off the internet. Life in the early
nineties was very expensive when trying to undertake the most
modest of tasks on the computer. I doubt few even blink an eye
today at the removal system built into the OS. A far cry from the
days when you needed a degree in electrical engineering, programming
and maths, just to install a piece of software.

That is about it. I was tidying up some old Windows stuff when I
picked up this large envelope just as we had a power cut. The
papers were strewn all over the floor and had to wait there till
the power returned. So I thought I would feature them.

Anyway.. I was soon back into the light. I mean nobody wants to
dwell in the dark too long.... ?

Windows 3.1 - Uninstaller 2.

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Last updated 18th August 2019

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