

ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2020

Entry 4th August 2020: Post 1: My Eyetech Tower - Never been EZ.

My Eyetech Tower - Never been EZ.

The EZ tower kinda represents for me everything bad about the Amiga
and what sadly it has become. I find myself getting ever more distant
the current user base. My world has long vanished and with it so
many friends that use to frequent the groups and Amiga boards. Life
goes on and so those that currently use the Amiga can do as they
please. I just ask one thing of anyone that currently owns an Amiga.
Please I am begging of you don't do anything that degrades the
computer and makes it something it never was. They truly are a very
wonderful creation and becoming ever more rare.

So why the tower ? Cus in truth it's a load of junk. It's always been
a load of junk. It is a Frankenstein creation with the body parts of
a once proud Amiga at its heart. If I had the original Amiga keyboard
and upper case I would restore her to her former glory. I never feel
any sense of joy from this computer. What is worse she is high, very
high maintenance.

So reflect on the tower and resist hacking your Amigas into a junk pile.
It really doesn't have to end this way.

Just saying.

Don't forget to click 'BACK' when you have finished looking at the links

My Eyetech Tower - Never been EZ.

April20 2602: scuzzblog: Eyetech - Mk II EZ-Tower.

February20 2601: scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT I

February20 2602: scuzzblog: Eyetech EZ-Tower - Down but not out. PT II

August19 0502: scuzzblog: Amiga Tower - Ez does it.

July19 1004: scuzzblog: Amiga 1200 - Tower Stuff.

June19 1301: scuzzblog: A1200 EZ-TOWER - Capacitor scare

Entry August 30: Diary: RetroSpring 2017 Entry Two

Entry August 19: Diary: Back to the Tower

Entry August 10: Diary: Its a gravity issue

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Last updated 4th August 2020

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2020