ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023
Entry 6th August 2023: Post 1: Amiga 600 - Not a bad pounds worth.
Amiga 600 - Not a bad pounds worth.
This Amiga has taken me to hell and back on more than one occasion
but I forgive her as she only cost me a quid in 2004. When she
arrived all those years ago she was in pieces inside a box of
shredded paper. The clips on the top cover had all broken and the
floppy was hanging out. I put her back together albeit I had to
replace the floppy drive.
The next issue resulted in me replacing the main motherboard. If
you look at the current images you may just note that the bottom
tray is a slightly darker shade to the top cover.
There is little I haven't done with this computer and have plans
to replace the hard drive at some time. The current one flickers
and comes to life time to time. Just when I'm ready to replace
the thing, eggs is eggs the drive boots back to life. I love her
to death and she sits pride of place just behind me here.
The computer sits with a light cover over her as she has for most
of her time here. You would be hard pushed to identify any yellowing
of the case or the keys. Again I have to stress that the success
is down to keeping her generally cool, out of sunlight and covered
but not entrapped in a box. I also give her a light clean and dust
regularly. She really is a little marvel.
For those contemplating buying an A600 it is important to note that
the A600 is 'not' a mini version of the A1200. The A600 is basically
an upgraded A500Plus in a smaller case. She uses the ECS chipset
and the 2.05 Workbench. Quite distinct from the AGA Amiga 1200. The
computer is a little misunderstood in where it sits in the Amiga
timeline, but for simplicity sake it best to associate it more with
the A500 era than the later A1200/4000 period. The A600 can never
be an A1200 so don't ever buy one thinking you can upgrade. What is
particularly problematic with the A600 is the lack of space to fit
an old school accelerator. The computer is pretty slow in truth.
I will most likely review the casing for the A500Plus given that I
have referred to it in this blog.
Amiga 600 - Not a bad pounds worth.

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Last updated 6th August 2023
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