

ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023

Entry 14th August 2023: Post 1: Shields Up - Punch it !

Shields Up - Punch it !

Sorry I am a day behind. It'll all get sorted eventually.

Anyhoo !!!

I did write a long post tonight about an alternative way of dealing
with the internet but have decided it really is only my view and it
really is for the individual to manage the way they live.

So I deleted the content. I may write something else to fill in the
space but for now just reflect on the joys of Deviant Art a site
dedicated to a community of online artists and creators.

Shields Up - Punch it !

For me I like escaping by cruising Deviant Art.

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Last updated 14th August 2023

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023