ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023
Entry 15th August 2023: Post 1: Atari River Raid - The only way to fly.
Atari River Raid - The only way to fly.
There are few older games that today I would still enjoy playing
and River Raid has to be one of them. Time was back in 1983 that
I would sneak into my sisters room while she was at work and stick
on the turntable Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) and fire up the
Woody and play River Raid. My goodness how magical was that.
Today you can spend millions making a game and never even be close
to the enjoyment value of River Raid.
The Woody or Atari CX-2600A with its fake wood fascia was the first
home computer/console that I ever played on. I did view the Woody
as a bit of toy in truth but still a fun thing to use .
I was going to feature the Woody as part of my review of cases
and their durability over the years, but I thought the console
was stretching it a bit featuring as I did actual home computers.
I have to say though, the Atari CX-2600A has lasted very well and
I can certainly recommend anyone wanting to have a machine that
in every likelihood is still working then you could do worse than
buy a good old Woody... and River Raid .. and Eurythmics .. and
some classic Atari joysticks.
Ar hum .. 1980 a very good year.
The Atari VCS or CX-2600A with a CPU 8-bitMOS Technology 6507
running at 1.19 MHz. The console has 128 bytes of RAM. The unit
came with the paddles or the standard CX10 joystick. Classic
other games I guess were Space Invaders and Pacman plus Asteroids.
Atari River Raid - The only way to fly.
Me playing River Raid
Scuse quality

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Last updated 15th August 2023
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2023