ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023
Entry 16th August 2023: Post 1: WTS Electronics - Pro-RAM A501.
WTS Electronics - Pro-RAM A501.
When I found this little leaflet amongst my books the other day
I thought for a moment I had found an upgrade for the Commodore
A501 memory card. Got me quite excited for a moment, until I then
realised it was talking about another card by WTS Electronics
called the Pro-RAM A501.
What was interesting about the leaflet is that it not only has
information on the upgrade card for the A500-Plus taking you from
1mb to 1.5mb and A500 from .5 to 1mb but a full descriptive on
how to make the modifications to the board to use the memory as
CHIP RAM. This little snippet of information was so significant
that I scanned in the document and have included it today.
I then went on the search for my A500 or Plus that had this card,
which I can tell you was no small task. I found the A500 Plus with
the card and include some images today.
Amazing what turns up when you are not looking for it. The amount
of times I have been asked about the modifications to use a RAM
card as CHIP RAM and the details were right under my nose.
Thanks to the Big Book of Amiga Hardware for identifying the card
from the name on the leaflet. I was able to use the two images
from the big book to track down my 'beastie'.
Anyhoo that was that for today or was it yesterday. I really have
no idea where I am at the moment, my days have switched with the
nights. Doesn't matter. Gaming does that to you. Bloody Ada Wong.
WTS Electronics - Pro-RAM A501.
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Last updated 16th August 2023
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