

ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023

Entry 17th August 2023: Post 1: Amiga Monitors - Manuals.

Amiga Monitors - Manuals.

Just a quickie tonight as I am heavy into a game at the moment.
Gets like this sometimes..

Of late I seem to be dodging backward and forward to my stack of
technical manuals in the other room to answer queries regarding
monitors. I have a number of the original manuals but can never
remember just which I have and which I do not. So today I thought
I would reference the more common ones on the website. Saves me
getting up and sifting through this pile of stuff just to find
out I don't have the manual.

I also have a lot of loose papers and various wiring diagrams
though it would take me an age to reference them all so I will
leave it at that for now. I can always add more stuff later.

I have never revisited the monitor photographs within the blog
cus of the problems moving them onto the bench. Each year I do
seem to to lose another monitor. Fingers crossed no losses this
year so far. For me it's a real problem even considering the
repair of old monitors. I do own a lot more monitors than the
website currently shows. I kinda gave up to be honest. Bit like

One tip and that is never to store an old monitor in the loft.
I had this banged up old 1081 in a cracked case that worked but
I set it just next to the hatch so I could recover it. I did
decide to pull the thing down. Sadly as soon as I switched it
on it started to hum and hiss and smoke and give out the most
troubling electronic noise. Seriously worrying. I have it
sitting on a stack of old magazines. Won't be doing that again.

To this day a monitor is the only bit of kit that I have actually
blown up. I was trying to repair a PCW9512 and had been most
careful not to touch the tube. Sadly I failed and it literally
exploded and I had the closest call I guess I have ever had with
computers. Also took out the main fuse in the house. Ar hum.

Amiga Monitors - Manuals.

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Last updated 17th August 2023

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