ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2023
Entry 20th August 2023: Post 1: Rendale A8802 Genlock - Computer locked.
Rendale A8802 Genlock - Computer locked.
There is nothing more frustrating to me than receiving a request
for details on something in the collection, and then finding said
item completely inaccessible. It becomes worse when I literally
have no idea where the item is. I do have a very good log of the
entire collection with the locations, but with the way I have had
to store items it is really tricky getting stuff out.
So yesterday a guy asked about the Rendale A8802 Genlock which he
had discovered whilst reading an entry to the site dated October
2nd 2004 .. nineteen years ago. Seriously, I wasn't even aware
that I had the Genlock. Some further digging uncovered the item
as being in the third tub behind my wall of Amiga 1000s. Sadly a
hunt like that is not possible at this time. I would need to
reorganise the room just to gain access to the mountain which
goes all the way up to the ceiling.
So I am again unable to help even though I clearly have the item
discussed. Seriously though, just look at that list and that was
just items added to the collection for October 2004. A lot there
was gifted to me from a guy in Swansea who use to write for one
of the Amiga magazines.
Fortunately I do have other Genlocks in more practical locations
but that is no comfort to the person asking the question. I was
able to direct him to the manual which is on the Amiga Big Book
site. There doesn't appear to be a disk for the kit.
I have a few computers that I would so love to take better pics
of but are lost in deep storage. Two of these machines I don't
even know where they are. The three being the Sanyo MBC-555,
The DK'Tronics keyboard and the Sinclair PC 200. I fear as I get
older it is going to become even more of a challenge to retrieve
items. It's getting to feel like the warehouse in Raiders in
Anyhoo I was kinda able to help. So if you wanna know about lost
items in the collection, don't ask. Even I don't know what I have.
Rendale A8802 Genlock - Computer locked.
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Last updated 20th August 2023
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