

ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2024

Entry 13th August 2024: Post 1: Amiga 690 - The rarest thing I have.

Amiga 690 - The rarest thing I have.

OK.. The weather people are taking the pee.. Yesterday they said
there was to be a dramatic drop in temperature, but sadly the
main room which I am sitting in at the moment is still over the
twenty eight degree threshold for safe usage. I have codged this
quick blog together for now, and hope tomorrow will be kinder.

OK filler time ...

When asked what is the rarest thing I have I always say the A690.
Not so much for the actual A570 complete unit but for the basic
motherboard I have which proudly states A690 Rev 2.2. It is quite
the most interesting of all the things I have for several reasons.

01: The A570 when released was shipped for a computer that was
now defunct. The A500 and A500 Plus had been terminated. So she
was basically dead on arrival.

02: The mix up over the numbering is fascinating, and I find it
hard to believe that the creators didn't know their failing early
on. My hunch is that they never believed this peripheral was ever
going to see the light of day so why does it matter.

03: To the board itself it is quite unique and obviously was of
limited distribution. Whether this board that has become separated
from its casing is different to the A570 or complete A690 is a
mystery that I would love to investigate further. The board has
its own architecture and was obviously the subject of a thorough
reworking of some of the notions associated with sidecars of the
A500 era.

04: This represents the very last side expansion released by
Commodore. It may well be the very last peripheral, expansion or
add on that ever carried the Commodore name. Being a 690 makes it
rare but being the first iteration of the ill-fated A570 makes it
even more rare.

05: I am not sure if the creators of this little beast are still in
circulation but I guess like many of the Amiga follies it has a
very interesting back story. An unsung hero that never actually was
given the time to become a hero. Shot down as it raised its head
over the trenches.

06: And never forget that this was CD technology in the form of an
expansion for the humble A500 and with the exception of the CDTV
which was not an Amiga, it represents the only formal Commodore CD
to be released for an Amiga.

07: And so for all kinds of reasons this is a very rare bit of Amiga
history. The thing that always makes me reflect on just how rare,
is the untold story of how an incorrectly labelled motherboard got
to find its way into my collection. Its specific journey from the
moment it was produced to my residence would be a intriguing story
in its own right.

I sense we will never know. The memories have all but vaporised
into the ether. The card is lost in my vast storage area so I am
sorry the images are twenty years old.

Amiga 690 - The rarest thing I have.

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Last updated 13th August 2024

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