

ScuzzBlog: Diaries August 2024

Entry 30th August 2024: Post 1: Zenith Z-286 LP - Bracket dimensions.

Zenith Z-286 LP - Bracket dimensions.

I have been asked to provide some dimensions to a small bracket to
the rear of the daughterboard on the Zenith-286 LP computer. The
bracket is of thin metal and designed to apply a sprung retainer
to the empty slots to the expansion card bay. The idea being that
without a card in place the end of the card cover is held in place
by a metal tang that is centred on the small stub to the end of
the card plate cover.

This fundamental relationship between the card cover plate and
the daughterboard made assessing the dimension of the bracket
very easy.

I include my base scribbles for reference. I have to say it was
one of those jobs again that I needed three pairs of hands.

OK to the dimensions:

The bracket is 'L' shaped and the flat side with the screw holes
I measured this side to be approx 7.5mm wide. The overall depth
of the bracket as 48mm deep.

The return tangs are perfectly centred on the expansion bay cover
end and these are 6mm x 6mm square. Given that dimensioning would
have been imperial originally this equates to half an inch deep
x half an inch high.

The very top of the first tang is the top of the bracket. And the
very bottom of the last tang is the bottom of the bracket. The
bracket overall is 48mm deep and so the gap between the return
tangs is 18mm. [ see my sketches ]. There are three; top , bottom
and one in the middle.

The material used is the same thickness as metal used in clockwork
springs. If you notice inside old clocks the mechanism is always
rusted. This metal is also rusted. The process of adding corrosive
treatment to metals tends to harden them. It is important that the
metal retains it springy nature. And that is why it is corroded.

Note: That without the bracket the ends of the expansion card
covers are not held tight in position and will drop back. When I
released the screw to the cover it literally sprang across the

And so 48 x 7.5 and with three return tangs 6 x 6mm. I didn't
measure the screw-holes cus I think they need checking with the
respective machine cus they are self tappers.

Hope that helps.

Zenith Z-286 LP - Bracket dimensions.

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Last updated 30th August 2024

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