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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 11th December 2017: Post: 6

Sexy Vixen - By Stonechip

The VIC-20 needs expansion and 16K RAM is always very very useful. This
little expansion unit in its cigar coloured case is a welcome cartridge
by Stonechip and is switchable to boot.

The cartridge is Switchable to 3k, 8k or 16k.

Switching is provided by DIP switch settings 
and these are ....

16k: 1A 2B (8k in blocks 1 and 2)
8k and 3k: 1B 2B (8k in block 1, 3k in block 3)
3k: 1B 2A (3k in block 3)

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Last updated 11/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017