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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 16th December 2017: Post: 1

6128 - Back from the dead

Got a date with a ghost. I read a post on the Amstrad forums about
cleaning the power switch on the 6128 and my thoughts turned to my
busted Amstrad 6128 which hasn't worked from the day I got the
computer. I have two that work so it really wasn't any great hardship.

So first thing this morning I set myself up and got busy with the
Amstrad 6128. The pictures pick up the story just as I have managed
to work out how to open the power switch

OK.. Not the jaws of a snake, but the
inside of the opened power switch

I removed the switch and the small
metal rocker to clean the metal contact

And that is the switch mechanism that
sits on top of the rocking switch

Those are the other components of the
switch which need a good clean

Rocker is now cleaned and placed back

Switch cleaned and reassembled

Note the small clamps that I opened
to the ends of the switch box to open
the unit and get inside

I have now closed the clamps

Next I need to clean the motherboard

Looking much better already

Places the switch back into the computer
Just slides in without any fixing

My goodness !!! She worked first time

And the red glow from the 3" disk drive

Sadly the drive wasn't working. Onward

OK remove ribbon, power, and two screws
and the drive is on the bench

Word of caution do not lose the write
protect pin. OK small screwdriver and
gently remove the first screw.

And then the second

Hmmm .. The third is missing. This is
a smaller screw and on all the drives
I have repaired has been screwed in
very tight. Maybe it was stripped and
left out. Dunno

There is sometimes a power connector both
sides. I can generally work with just the one
unfastened. Depends on the lengths of wires
Use a small pair of grips. Be carful and hold
the plastic and not the wires.

Don't forget to reconnect

Gently ease open the circuit board
Do not turn over or you will find
the write protect pin dropping out
It is on the left as you look from
the direction of the photograph.

In the words of Eric Cartman
' Hmmm interesting '... No drive belt

To the batcave and my bag of belts

They don't call me the rubber band
man for nothing. All belted up

Check your pin is still sitting quietly
You can see the write protection pin
just left of the hole by the connector

Just to give context as to where
the pin sits.

Clean and check the pully or capstan.
Left is stationary and right is with
me turning the bigger wheel. It is
going round which is the desired result

Time to grease the motor worm shaft

Filthy. Needs a good clean. Use the
correct cleaning fluid. Cassette head
cleaner is what I use.

Reconnect the ribbon and electrical
connection. Need to clean the case

Clean out the underside of the
disk drive bay

Connect the earth as you screw the
main drive back in place

Place the ribbon in the ribbon tidy

Power on ...

Drive light on and 3" inserted

Didn't work. Bugga !! OK cuppa tea
and let's have another go

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Last updated 16/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017