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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 16th December 2017: Post: 4

Amstrad - Filling in the spaces

Finally got round to checking through this small pile of Amstrad 
books that I have with one or two of the machines sitting here
and was a bit troubled that I am missing book 2 for the 1512. That
just can't be... so annoying. More reserach needed me thinks.

Anyway, nothing heavy here, just me recording the books for reference

Looks like I am missing Book 2

Stanley Unwin who invented his own langauge
and featured in Gerry Andersons Secret Service

Do not place your computer near....
Wait for it ' a water pipe '.

Found the 9256 lurking amongst
the Atari stuff. Not surprised
This computer carries the printer
on its top... Seriously


9256 9256 9256 9256


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Last updated 16/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017