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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 17th December 2017: Post: 2

Mail that lost it's Momentum

Following on from my discussions yesterday about the fear some
have of losing the odd game through floppy failure, I guess I
concern myself more with all the obscure and less known programs
that were released but have long since vanished.

Take as an instance Momentum Mail by Micro Momentum Inc which
is an Amiga program for sifting through mailing lists. I have
no idea how this works or how useful it was. But, it has as much
significance to the Amiga history as anything else. More significant
is the fact that it may just disappear completely from the record
along with thousands more similar applications, basically cus
it isn't as appealing as say Balance of Power.

When one looks through the thousands of PD disk that were issued
during the hectic busier days of the Amiga, one can only surmise
that a good volume of these disks were destroyed. With that we
lost so many creative goodies which can never be restored. The
London and Scottish Reading Rooms currently are bound by law
to receive one copy of every formally published work in the UK.
Yet I doubt they would care for nor currently receive any of the
published works relating to computer software. And yet they are
books, however small, in their own write and constitute the
written word of the computer.

So sad that we may have already lost so much written content and
programming gems, irrespective of their current relevance. For me
I would be more than happy to lose a substantive amount of games
if we could ensure that some of the more serious works could be
retained, maintained and archived. A lot of work no doubt went
into the creation of these programs and it is such a shame that
it may all now be lost. Hope not.

Just checking my copied disk
Appears to be fine...

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Last updated 16/12/2017

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