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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 20th December 2017: Post: 1

TRS-80 MC10 - I knew this would end in tears

Like I said... I knew this would end in tears

Tandy Radio Shack TRS-80 MC 10 dated 1983
Production for the unit ended in 1984
Entry level small build factor machine
Language was Microcolor Basic 1.0 by Microsoft
Qwerty keyboard
CPU is a Motorola 6803 which is 6800 caompatible
Running at 0.89 MHz with 4KB of RAM and 8KB ROM
Text mode is 32 x 16 with graphics Basic 64 x32 8 Colours
Sound is provided by a variable pitch beeper
Power supply 8.0v AC
The unit has a 16K RAM expansion

Additional provision: Bucket full of tears.

Nothing !!!!

Oh boo hoo !! Never mind, back in the box

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Last updated 20/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017