ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017Entry 22nd December 2017: Post: 2Sanyo MPC-100 - Complete with ink well I guess you are all too young to remember school desks with ink wells. And yes, before you ask, I actually own a school desk with a lift up lid and ink well.. though the ink has dried up. Anyway not quite an ink well but there is a hole top right of this machine which houses a light pen that came with the machine. It is covered with the 64K circle thang. I am quite sure that in the early eighties the Japanese were making MSX machine typewriters faster than anything else. The numbers and various models are quite prolific. Nothing at all wrong again with the computer. The build quality as ever is quite excellent. Just wish I had more software for it, and a disk drive. Sanyo MPC 100 made by Sanyo in Japan 1984 Uses Microsoft Extended BASIC (MSX BASIC v1.0) Has a full stroke keyboard plus function and MSX arrow keys The CPU is a Zilog Z80A running at 3.58 MHz Video provided by Texas Instruments TMS 9918/A or TMS 9928/A RAM 64 KB and VRAM 16 KB and 32 KB ROM BASIC/BIOS (MSX BASIC v1.0) Text comes in Mode 0 - 40 x 24 and Mode 1 - 32 x 24 Colours 16 and sound from General Instruments AY-3-8910
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Last updated 22/12/2017
Chandraise Kingdom
Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017