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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 22nd December 2017: Post: 6

Aboard the Starship GX4000

I can just hear Alan Sugar stating that his next games machine
should look more like a spaceship. What they gave him was more
of a space shuttle... but space craft feel most definitely. Not
sure I can ever treat something serious that looks like a kiddies
toy. But hey it's a fun thing to play. Just need another cartridge.

The Amstrad GX4000

Not a wonderful success as Amstrad only ever had this one attempt
at producing a games console. In the end they only sold 15000
units. The CPU on the shuttle is a Zilog Z80 running at 4 MHz.
Released in September 1990 and discontinued the year later.

Part of the upgraded 6128 and 464 Plus range of machines. In white.
Sadly it entered the market at an incredibly competitive time and
just lacked any real new games software. Too late in truth.

The machine is a modified CPC6128Plus and 8-bit in 90 .. hmmm !

I play the game on my 6128Plus.

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Last updated 22/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017