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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 23rd December 2017: Post: 2

TRS-80 Pocket - That's a very small TRs-80 you have there

Also known as the PC-1 for some reason. Kinda odd little beast.
Evidently the exact same model as the Sharp PC-1211. Mine suffers
with the cloudy screen. Possibly can be fixed. Dunno. 

The TRS 80 PC-1 by Tandy Radio Shack released in 1980
The built in language is a BASIC interpretor.
Has 57 keys inclusing a QWERTY type calculator
The CPU is a Sharp CMOS SC43177 and SC43178 
Runs at 256 KHz. RAM is 1920 Bytes
Text has one line at 24 characters long. LCD
Needs four of those LR44 batteries [ see below ]

Hopefully you can see my message through the fog

That's 9 x 9

And that's the answer = 81

Someone reckons the screen can be fixed

The very wonderful TRS-80 Pocket Computer

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Last updated 23/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017