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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 23rd December 2017: Post: 7

Amstrad Notebooks - Numbers 3 and 4

I solved the problem with my first Notebook whilst putting batteries
in these two units. What I discovered is that even with the new
battery I was getting an error message. So I spent a good while
cleaning out the battery slot for the Lithium. What happens is where
the old battery has sat for a good while it slighly discolours and
dulls the connectors making them unusable. I kinda found this out
from the CPC saga with the power switch. 

I then retrieved the first Notebook which I thought was broken and
cleaned and polished the battery terminal in the circular slot and
like magic it sprung to life. The first time I put the batteries in
the TRS-80 Pocket it didn't work. Until I cleaned the battery
housings. The thing beeped when I put the final battery in.

Two Notebooks here and both working fine. Sadly the images of the
screen are again crap. Just the camera. Never mind.

Dead.. Even with the external power supply

2nd of the Notebooks [ No 4 ]

Both working time to lock them down

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Last updated 23/12/2017

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scuzzscink 2017