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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 26th December 2017: Post: 3

A500Plus - Works better with the CPU the right way round

OK so I have a dead A500Plus with an empty CPU slot. We can't have
that can we. And so off to the scuzzcave and my utility box.

I had this spare motherboard but the
CPU appears to be busted

I left the original ROM in place to test

In the end I plundered my box of spare
chips and replaced both

Working.. so I decided to swap back the 3.1

Now working with the 3.1 ROM

OK rewind the tape and when I was
swapping out the ROM did you spot the
stupid error I made

Still haven't spotted it ?

The CPU is the wrong bloody way round


All fixed now... The inset is correct
And trust me .. if the little half moon
isn't at the bottom then it aint gonna work

What may fool you is that the writing on
the ROM and the writing on the CPU are
not both the same way round. Also the
ROM chip has the ROM half moon at the top

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Last updated 26/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2017