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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2017

Entry 28th December 2017: Post: 2

Amstrad 6128Plus without the CPC
This computer is kinda a favourite of mine. Having mended the 
3" drive belt I place the unit on permanent usage and generally
have the computer on once or twice a day. Runs from its own
monitor which unlike the CPC6128 does not need the third power
for the 12V to drive the 3". All in white'ish and still works
without fault. Both the Plus machines 464/6128 need the BASIC
cartridge to run the computer. Not a problem as you also get
Burning Rubber on the same cartridge.

Here then is the 6128Plus and I am sure they dropped the CPC.
Released in 1990 but sadly was long in the old tooth in terms
of the technology by then. Failed to gain any traction and
probably the least successful of the Amstrad range. For me
it is a nice looking computer and I prefer this to the normal
6128. Though I do miss my coffee shelf. Interestingly the
DDI-1 loads a program quite a good deal faster into a CPC464
with interface as opposed to the Plus. Kinda puzzling that.

The 464 Plus with just the cassette

Two things to remember about the Plus range.
First that the monitor is different to the
CPC range of machines and needs a different
power connector. And you need the cartridge
The machine is pretty dead in the water without it

The monitor for this machine is a CM14

And don't sneak down at night to make coffee
and leave the machine on boot cus it will
power into Burning Rubber unattended and
wake up half the neighbourhood. So funny.

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Last updated 28/12/2017

Chandraise Kingdom

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scuzzscink 2017