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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 10th December 2018: Post 04: Commodore C64 - Tiny breadcrumb

Commodore C64 - Tiny breadcrumb.
I was sitting there tonight pondering the days activities and started
to question whether the motherboard to the C64 that is broken was
getting enough juice. So I dragged the poor C64 back to the bench
and checked the back of the board by the switch for broken and dry

Didn't find anything. I checked what seated chips I could and also
did some continuity tests but with no luck. Other than the SID chip
which I know to be broken the other chips are getting warm.

I have a feeling this is a memory issue and a failed smaller chip.
Trouble is they are not socketed.

Anyway I gave the computer a name and vowed to return. I shall not
give up on the little computer. She will live again.

Interestingly the power is getting to the datasette, though its not
responding to key strokes. Saying that the keyboard was/is broken
so probably difficult to say if the datasette is getting instruction.
However, the shielding is getting warm so those chips are running
power. So could literally be the VIC that is causing the problem.

I have a spare in a tub but its a big ask at the moment to extract 
that. See how the day pans out... cus its playing on my mind now.

Commodore C64 - Tiny breadcrumb

I am tempted to swap out the VIC .... dunno.
Other than the SID its the only socketed chip.

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Last updated 10th December 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018