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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 12th December 2018: Post 05: Amiga 1050 - A1000 Memory

Amiga 1050 - A1000 Memory

Jay Miner was insisting that the Amiga 1000 be fitted with 512K
of base RAM. Sadly Commodore struggled with the 512K as it was way
too expensive. Jay was pretty fixed in his view that the RAM should
be 512K and almost said it couldn't be done. It was Dave Needle
who came up with the plug in on the front of the machine to expand
the A1000 to the desired 512K.

And so the Amiga 1050 was born.. and here it is.

Amiga 1050 - A1000 Memory

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Last updated 12th December 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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