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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 13th December 2018: Post 02: Amiga 500s - Including The Very First

Amiga 500s - Including The Very First
OK not the very first. Just includes some images from the disk
provided with the Amiga called ' The Very First '. The disk was
a demo on all the attributes of the Amiga plus usage and tips.

So this blog I fire up the three Amigas from the previous post
and can report that they were all working fine. I had a little
play and then safely tucked them back up in their respective
boxes. Sadly that is where they stay until I check them again.

The demo disk is actually very educational and went on way too
long for me to capture all the discussions. I would certainly
recommend getting the disk if you are keen on the Amiga 500.

Well that is that for the wardrobe. Tomorrow I am venturing
into the cupboard in the box room which is stacked to the
ceiling with... ' what do you think ? '

Amiga 500s - More Closet Capers

Amiga 500 Number 1 - Working.

Amiga 500 Number 2 - Working.

Amiga 500 Number 3 - Working.

Amiga 500 Number 2 - Working.

Amiga 500 Number 3 - Working.

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Last updated 13th December 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

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