ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018
Entry 16th December 2018: Post 01: Amiga 600 - Such a little box
Amiga 600 - Such a little box
Back to the box room cupboard and so I extracted the Amiga 600
blue red box, which is surprisingly small, and took it to the
bench to see how she was doing. This computer is a base model
and so has no hard drive.
A lot of people were critical of the 600 at the time given that
it wasn't that much of an upgrade on the 500. Sadly Commodore
managed to antagonise a lot of users by discontinuing the 500
range at a time when it was still selling well.
The A600 was smaller, obviously, than the 500 though should have
offered more ways to expand, what with the hard drive cradle
and the PCMCIA port. Thing was though, not all 600s were equal
and some, like one I had did not support the hard drive. I found
that out the hard way.
The computer also had no numpad which was no biggy for me. The
biggest problem for the 600 was always the accelerator. I know
that some imaginative companies made cards , but in truth with
the 1200 you really had so many more options. Just by having
the space on the rear of the 1200 for the extra port was a
real blessing. All in all the 1200 felt like the upgrade to
the 500 and not the 600.
And so when the 1200 came out users tended to buy the 1200 and
the 600 just got lost in it all. I have quite a few A600s though
I really don't treat any of them seriously.
And so to the A600 in question. Nice clean machine. I wasn't at
all surprised by the lack of books and disks in the box. I am
in the habit of removing all books and disks when I put them
into store. Very often I also remove the power supply unit.
The A600 worked and ran very well. I didn't open her up, there
was no need to do so. She worked just fine. And now she is
safely tucked away back in store.
Amiga 600 - Such a little box