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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 20th December 2018: Post 01: Commodore 64 - Who's in the house

Commodore 64 - Who's in the house
The sad computer was sitting at the very bottom of the pile of
boxed computers, poor thing. Had the weight of at least ten other
computers most of which were somewhat younger in age. Anyway I
dragged her to the bench to take a peek.

In my early days of Ebay I would have placed a few bids for C64s
in the hope of getting the computer, the books and power supply
plus the artwork from the box. It is obvious that the base of
this box has faded and I am surprised I didn't get another. I
have unboxed early C64s and one in a presentation box but not
an original early box without the faded base. Never mind.

I very quickly moved onto the C64C for my 8-bit fix with the C64
the 'breadbin' just never got a look in really. No doubt that is
why this machine was stuffed to the very bottom of the cupboard.
Not sure if I even ever switched her on. She worked and I was so
pleased. Kinda felt sad putting her back in the dark cupboard.

The same issues prevail and that is wires melting on the poly
inserts. I placed the cables in plastic bags to shield from the
casing to avoid scarring.

These early Commodores do feel a bit bulky. I prefer the C64C
cus in many ways it feels like a baby Amiga 500. I can well see
why these computers lasted so long. Once you get the hang of
using them they are a dream to muck around with. And just so
much in the way of peripherals, games and software. Saddens
me that I didn't take up Commodore in 81 when I was going to.

So here are some pics of the old bucket, sorry 'breadbin'. Looks
as fresh as the day she was released onto an unsuspecting world.
I'm always struck by the robustness of the Commodore 64. I sense
it's a straight tie between a C64 and a Barbie as to which would
survive a plane crash. Dunno.

For details on the C64 maybe check some of my earlier blogs ..
But for now I can confirm ...

Was let loose into the world during mid summer 1982. The computer
in one form and or another lasted until April 1994. And they reckon
it sold over 12 million computers. The unit uses Commodore BASIC 2.
I tend to pump this with Simons BASIC and or GEOS. The CPU is a
MOS 6510/8500 and memory surprisingly is 64 KB. The graphics utilise
the VIC-II with sound provided by the ever reliable SID.

And let's not forget the C128 has the C64 mode. So invaluable.

My favourite one liner ... Load "christina",8 for Ms Aguilera come
get some. Respect to the Bizkit .... DJ Lethal bring it on. Classic
on the C64. If you know what I mean. [ 8-bit heaven ].. 'In the house'.

' The C64 ... My favourite m.f. I told you ' microphone abusing Fred D.

Now this red cap gets a rap from his critics

Saying that I would like 8 -BiTs oF ThIs .. No K/da

Best thing I've seen in yonks

Commodore 64 - In the house

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Last updated 20th December 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
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