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ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2018

Entry 21st December 2018: Post 02: Commodore plus/4 plus VIC-20

Commodore plus/4 plus VIC-20
When I find them I check them. That's what the month of December
is all about really. I go through the machines I can get to and
just check that all is OK. So when I came across the boxed C64C
and had to move a plus/4 and VIC-20 I dragged them out onto the
bench and gave them a whirl.

The plus/4 was the surprise as the computer was working just fine.
Kinda expecting this computer to have fallen over. I had less
success with the VIC-20 as eh just showed a grey screen. Sadly
that kinda thing is not acceptable so I threw her away... Kidding.
I did pull a working VIC-20 just to check the power supply.

Not a black screen so I do have something more narrow to go on.
And begins a 2019 project, so I will put that on the list.

Commodore plus/4 plus VIC-20

Time for a VIC-20

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Last updated 21st December 2018

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2018