Entry 30th December 2018: Post 01: Sinclair Spectrum+ - New membrane and a clean
Sinclair Spectrum+ - New membrane and a clean
This project was going on for most of December. My challenge to
get a working Sinclair Spectrum+ and a Spectrum 128. I have just
so many busted and part opened types of these computers. The
Spectrum 128s are bundled together in one big box almost unable
to make sense of it all.
So the task was to unravel the ravelling and give me a working
version of each of the machines and to establish what and what
not is working. I had already completed my review of the Speccy+
and set aside the computer featured here to replace the membrane.
I will deal with the toaster in the next blog.
So with new membrane in hand I mended the keyboard and got her
working. I attempted a couple of goes at cleaning, but these
keys are a pig and I don't do dishwashers and abrasive or
chemical processes. So its just cotton buds and cocktail sticks.
All I can say is I am getting there. I take my time.
To the pictures ....
Bit of a clean
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