ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2020Entry 21st December 2020: Post 2: From Aki Kawamura to Clara Veiga.From Aki Kawamura to Clara Veiga. So who is Aki Kawamura ? She was a Japanese Idol from the early 2000s. A self made starlet that was popular on Japanese TV and featured as a bikini model showing off her curves. She features as a wallpaper on a Windows 98 RM machine that is getting on to being 25 years old next year. By my calculation Aki is now 40. I should explain, I have a series of networked PCs around the house which were old junked machines from work. They date from 1996 and have flavours of Win95, 98 and XP on them. Mostly Win98. When the computers arrived I would clean them up, remove data and add extra drives, sound cards, ZIP drives etc. They would be named and given a wallpaper so I could distinguish one from the other The computer in question today is an RM large tower that was used as an AutoCAD drawing machine, probably one that I used. She would have been fitted with a Colorado Back-up tape drive which I would have removed and added the ZIP drive. The computers name is Rose-Marie... Rose for drive C and Marie for drive D. And if you are aged and know the old classic then it goes ' Rose Marie I love you ... ' blah blah. Not important. It's just a name that enters my brain in the blink of an eye when naming the computer. The picture of Aki arrived a little later. I just loved the colour that the image projected. Pretty girls always make me happy. Takes the edge off being a crappy Windows machine. I have a little hub of PCs stranded in the hall. But like the centre of the Tardis with machines stacked like caskets with the monitors precariously balanced around the towers. Together they form the heart of my Amiga data collecting and circulating centre. At the very heart is Clara Veiga or the CVINK. This is the TOOLS hub for what I do. So whenever I need an Amiga file, disk, data sheet, schematic etc I go to the CVINK or Clara and pull of the information. The Amiga uses a different file system to the PC and so I need a quick way to move information from the PC to the Amiga. This is done via the ZIP drive. I have a number of ZIP drives fitted to my Amigas and they can read the PC formatted ZIP disks. I then have an army of PCs fitted with ZIPs that are networked to CLARA and can pull data to the four comers of the house on both floors. So if I am using the A1000 or A4000 or Checkmate or A500, matters not. They are all conveniently stationed in the proximity of a ZIP on an Amiga so I can transfer files and data very quickly. All the computers have a girls name. It never changes and neither it seems does the wallpaper. I'm sorry if that offends anyone but it's a truth here as I am a red blooded male who can appreciate a pretty lady. It kinda gives the computers a desirable charm. So in the hub that I discussed I have Rose Marie, Coral, Barbie and Clara. Coral is named after the betting shop that sat next to the computer store where I bought the computer. The girl on the screen is from Heavenly Sword the first game I played on the PS3. All my machines are networked and can talk to each other. Girls do like to gossip. I don't mind I always like having loads of machines on and enjoying their smiles. Aki always looks like she is asking where I want to go today... Which is a line from a film. The ZIP is still central to my operations. At the centre however, a bit like VIKI in iRobot is CVINK or CLARA. The image of the brain is Clara Veiga, Brazilian supermodel from the early 2000s. If you follow my computer activities on the blogs you will see images and references to Clara all over the place. Her face adorns disks and is the face of House of Sian. All this means is the disk and data that I used I copied from CVINK. The data is on a TOOLS disk. That way I know it is of my creation and goes back in the library. It is very important with nearly 14000 Amiga disks, mostly originals that I keep tabs on copies. Clara serves that purpose. Seriously I do not know where I would be without Clara Veiga she is at the heart of everything I do here. She helps me service all my computers and keeps them working. The Amiga team knew the power of the girlfriend as their symbol of activity. They used themes of music from groups like the B52s on their motherboards. Jay Miner had his dogs paw print embossed into the A1000 case. I like to think of the Amiga community as a carefree bunch of nerds that refused to grow up. That is why the PC has to have a girls face on the screen. Something sexy and desirable. Otherwise the machine is just what it is.... A boring load of crap. So if you have a computer. Give her a name. Even if you are a girl. Again a big thank you to Clara Veiga... Where ever you are. Happy days. The images at the end of this blog were taken without a tripod.
From Aki Kawamura to Clara Veiga.Clara is the very heart of my Amiga World. |
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Last updated 21st December 2020
Chandraise Kingdom
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scuzzscink 2020