

ScuzzBlog: Diaries December 2021

Entry 13th December 2021: Post 1: Video Director for the Amiga by Gold Disk.

Video Director for the Amiga by Gold Disk.
I was quite excited by this product when I first came across it
cus for some bonkers notion I thought the Amiga was going to be
able to transfer data by 'infra-red'. How cool would that have
been. Sadly not ... DUH! Video Director is a piece of software
that lets you arrange the way you transfer video from a camera
to a VCR or other such device. The infra red is just a way of
communicating with the VCR to start the tape editing process.

The remote control is normally connected via the joystick port
yet in this box the control is fed into the serial port. Just
shows how adaptable the Amiga is in terms of interchanging ports.

Be mindful of obtaining software like this for the Amiga in the
hope of undertaking actual video editing on the Amiga cus in the
case of Video Editor no actual video is saved to the Amiga.

There you have it Video Director developed by AHA! Software or
more particularly Nick Sullivan and Chris Zamara from Victoria
British Columbia Canada and distributed by Gold Disk in 1991.

Video Director for the Amiga by Gold Disk.


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Last updated 13th December 2021

Chandraise Kingdom

Keep the Faith
scuzzscink 2021